【置顶】 Before All | 在浏览前

Whats UP guys! If you are a English or French reader, just skip this first post.
Please continue with my posts below.
This post on top of all just wanna explain to my Chinese friends how to use Disqus comments in China, tks.

PS: This blog is written in English, Français and 中文. </PEACE>

This Friday, a Malware called “WannaCry” attacked millions of PC in all of the world. Which included hospitals, companies and universities. 74 countries have been attacked, (America, China, India, France…).

这周五,一个叫 WannaCry 的病毒,向全世界 74 个国家医疗,公司,学校的电脑发起了攻击(美国,中国,印度,法国。。。)

The hacker used a tool of NSA called “Eternal Blue” to block all your importants files and asked you for Bitcoin (1 Bitcoin = 1700 US Dollar - 05/2017). Once files have been blocked, you can hard to get all them back, even you pay for these Hackers.

黑客用一个叫永恒之蓝的 NSA 被盗的工具,锁住你电脑里所有重要的文件,并提示你支付比特币 (1 比特币 现在约等于 1700多 美元)。一旦你的电脑中招,很难把文件再找回,甚至付给黑客们钱也不太可能。

The PC hacked by "Eternal Blue"

As so fall, we know that all PC with Windows, (even you have two system on your Mac and one of them is Windows) can be hacked easily. Things we can do to avoid this attack so far is below:

现在我们了解所有 windows 电脑都有可能中招,( 包括双系统其中一个是 windows ),现在为止为了预防病毒你能做的是如下:

First, update to Windows 10 as your first choice. And update Windows Defender.

Then, you should enable Windows Firewall and close the Port: 445 on your PC. Which is probably the way these Hackers try to attack your PC, following these Steps below:

首先,请最好升级至 Windows 10 作为你的首选项, 然后升级 Windows Defender 到最新版本。

接着,你要启动 Windows 防火墙,然后关闭你的 445 端口,因为是这些黑客攻击的主要途径,跟着下面的步骤:

Step 1 (for Win7 / Win8 / Win10):

Open the “Control Panel”, click “System and Security” - then “Windows FireWall” 打开 “控制面板”, 点击 “系统与安全” - 然后 “Windos 防火墙”

Control Panel / 控制面板
Windows FireWall / Windos 防火墙

Step 2 (for Win7 / Win8 / Win10):

Click “Start or turn off the firewall”, then start it, click “OK” 点击 “启动或关闭防火墙”,然后启动,然后 “确认”

Start or turn off the firewall / 启动或关闭防火墙

Step 3 (for Win7 / Win8 / Win10):

click on “Advanced Settings” 点击 “高级设置”

Advanced Settings / 高级设置

Step 4 (for Win7 / Win8 / Win10):

click on “Inbound rules” - “New Rule” 点击 “入站规则” - “新建规则”

Inbound rules - New Rule / 入站规则 - 新建规则

Step 5 (for Win7 / Win8 / Win10):

click on “Port” - “Next” 点击 “端口” - “下一步”

Port - Next / 端口 - 下一步

Step 6 (for Win7 / Win8 / Win10):

click “Specific local ports”, input “445” - “Next” 点击 “特定本地端口”, 输入 “445” - “下一步”

Specific local ports, 445 - Next / 特定本地端口, 445 - 下一步

Step 7 (for Win7 / Win8 / Win10):

click “Block connection” - “Next” 点击 “阻止连接” - “下一步”

Block connection - Next / 阻止连接 - 下一步

Step 8 (for Win7 / Win8 / Win10):

select all in “Profile” - “Next” 在 “配置文件” 中全选 - “下一步”

select all in Profile - Next / 配置文件 中全选 - 下一步

Step 9 (for Win7 / Win8 / Win10):

give a name as you like, click “finish” 随便取个名称,点击 “完成”

Other things you should know:

  1. If you are familiar with CMD, you can just run it as Admin, and run this:

     netsh advfirewall set allprofile state on
     netsh advfirewall firewall add rule name=deny445 dir=in action=block protocol=TCP localport=445
  2. This malware will attack your PC directely from Port 135, 138, 445, 3389, etc. It’s sure that you can close all of these Ports, but in the same time some service which using these Ports will be stoped.

  3. Please make sure that all your important files have one or more copies in you USB memory stick or other device, just pay attention.

PS. This post was written by English and Chinese, but the Screenshots showed in French language, that was because my PC was run in French, but you can easily find all the access or bouton in the same corner on your PC either in English or Chinese.

Hope no one will be attacked by this attack </PEACE>

2016   Merry Christmas
2016   圣诞快乐
2016   Joyeux Noël

Dungeons & Dragons | 龙与地下城

Early this year I have found a new World in ‘Dungeons & Dragons’. It’s not only a game, but just an amazing art. Perhaps it’s hard for me to describe which part attracts me most in D&D. Maybe the 300 pages rules written in English? Haha, I’m not sure. But for the beginners, they might need a D&D Basic Rule Book.

So today I give you the original one as the Xmas gift with the link below. Hope you will fall in love with D&D.

# Not for resale, for personnal use only #

今年早些时候我发现了个新大陆,<龙与地下城>。 这不是一个游戏这么简单,简直就是件艺术。 也许我很难说清具体是 D&D 里哪一部分最让我着迷。 也许是原版英文的 300 页的游戏规则? 哈哈, 我不知道。 但是对于那些初学者, 他们也许需要一个基础入门手册

所以今天我把它作为圣诞小礼物在下面链接里放出来。 希望你们能够爱上 D&D

# 请勿出售,仅供个人使用 #

Au début de cette année je découvrais un nouveau Monde de ‘Dungeons & Dragons’. Ce n’est pas seulement un jeu, il est une magnifique oeuvre d’art. Je crois que c’est dûr pour moi de dire la partie plus tirait. Les 300 pages de régles de jeu écrit en anglais? Peut être, haha, je suis pas sûr. Par contre, pour les débutants, ils ont besoins de D&D Basic Rule Book pour tous commencer.

C’est pour ça je vous l’offre comme le petit cadeau de Noël. Espère que vous allez être tomber amoureux de D&D.

# Ne pas revendre, pour l’utilisation personnelle #

Dungeons & Dragons Basic Rule Book | 龙与地下城基本规则


In the early September, my Surface Pro 4 has received the update 1607 for Win10. But as it failed to install the update at the first time, I have never receive it again.

For the reason, I had tried all the methods online but nothing helpful.

Even finally MircoSoft France gave me a new one to solve this issue, because they said there might be sth blocked with my hardware. I really found that sb like me have solved the same problem.

So, I list some of these which may help you. If it do help you, please tell me :)

For me, I just guess there might be some part of reason with the Hyper-V or Virtual Box.

Screenshoot of Windows 10 Update error 0X80070002-0X20007

Method 1:

A. Check whether the Windows date and Time set to Automatic and synced.
B. Disconnect all the peripheral devices except for the mouse and keyboard.
C. Follow these steps to run the Windows inbuilt troubleshooter:

  Write Troubleshooting in the search box and hit enter.  
  Click on Troubleshooting tab.  
  Click on view all option on the upper left corner.  
  Select the Windows Update option from the list.  
  Click Next to run theTroubleshooter.  

D. Try to use the Windows Update troubleshooter and see if it helps.

(Also applies to Windows 10)

Method 2:

This issue might also occur due to corruption in Windows Update component files. I suggest you to reset Windows Update component. Kindly follow the below given steps.

  1. Press Windows key + X, select Command prompt (Admin) to bring up elevated Command prompt.
  2. Stop the BITS service, the Windows Update service, and the Cryptographic service. To do this, at a command prompt, type the following commands. Make sure that you press Enter after you type each command.
    • net stop bits
    • net stop wuauserv
    • net stop appidsvc
    • net stop cryptsvc
  3. Rename the software distribution folders backup copies. To do this, at a command prompt, type the following commands. Make sure that you press Enter after you type each command.
    • Ren %systemroot%\SoftwareDistribution SoftwareDistribution.bak
    • Ren %systemroot%\system32\catroot2 catroot2.bak
  4. Restart the BITS service, the Windows Update service, and the Cryptographic service. To do this, at a command prompt, type the following commands. Make sure that you press Enter after you type each command.
    • net start bits
    • net start wuauserv
    • net start appidsvc
    • net start cryptsvc
  5. Restart your PC and check if it works this time when you try to update.

我的 Suface Pro 4,其实是9月份最早收到一周年更新的一波
依然每次重启配置安装的时候进度到 19%后
就自动跳出滚回到 Win10 1511 的版本号
我就下意识直觉反应: 这可能是修不好的 … …

注:我的电脑只有一个 C盘分区
MediaCreationTool 装完失败,以后开机显示的窗口出现:
          L’installation a échoué dans la phrase SAFE_OS avec une erreur lors de l’opérateur INSTALL_DRIVERS
          (法语翻译过来是:在 INSTALL_DRIVERS 操作的过程中,安装到 SAFE_OS 这里出现一个错误)

截屏: Windows 10 更新 错误代码 0X80070002-0X20007

我在试过了所有 MicroSoft 社区 以及 Stackoverflow 上的方法后
分别使用: 驱动更新
用镜像来对我的 Surface 进行系统修补
用镜像来对我的 Surface 进行保留文件的重置 按照步骤操作后依然无效
不仅如此,昨天我甚至忍心选择 Win10的重置功能,希望修复这个问题
谁知道竟然重置都不可以,遇到了同样的问题,和手动用易升或者 MediaCreationTool 一样
都是在重启安装到 19%的时候,突然停止了,跳出界面说:正在回到之前的系统
然后回到现在的 Win10 1511正式版本

因此法国微软主动提出帮我换一台新的 Surface Pro 4
给出的理由是: 能出现如下情况一定是硬件有什么地方被锁了(个人觉得不是这样的,因为拿到手 Bitlocker之类的就被我删掉了)



Win键+R-services.msc-Windows Update-
-重命名C:\Windows\SoftwareDistribution文件夹为SDfolder-重命名完成后重新启动Windows Update服务


DISM/Online /Cleanup-image /Scanhealth
DISM/Online /Cleanup-image /Restorehealth
Sfc /scannow



因为我自己平常会开发点东西,有装过 Virtual Box来装 Linux 环境,一次升级 Virtual Box后运行 Linux虚拟机失败了,之后一直装不上虚拟机,包括重装 Virtual Box也没有用,后来发现是因为我用的 VS2015 做开发是需要开启 Hyper-V,而它和 Virtual Box 是冲突的!
但是即便我关掉 Hyper-V, 彻底重装 Virtual Box后,也无法安装虚拟机!
最后我干脆用 Hyper-V做虚拟机, 但是有一次 Hyper-V它自己崩溃了!

